Meet the Team

Passionate for our children finding their identity in Christ

Meet Your Soaring Chicken farm Team

Christina Stroh
Director - Soaring Chicken Farm Campus
Christina Stroh
Director - Soaring Chicken Farm Campus

Coming Soon

Meet the Equip Executive Team

Lesley Russell
Lesley Russell

Lesley Russell is the Founder of EQUIP 210 and Next Generation Ministries dba Independent Learning Academy (ILA). ILA is a K-12 parent-choice homeschool educational model with over 1,200 students and three locations, two in southern California, and one in Meridian, Idaho. For the past 11 years, ILA has been pioneering and innovating education and has been the leading alternate education movement in southern California with thousands of K-12th grade students having attended with many of their graduating seniors receiving Trustee and Presidential Scholarships. Many of the ILA graduates also start their own companies, join the mission field, or serve in various military branches. They are truly world changers

Lesley and her husband, Joe, are originally from NY and have been married for 30 years. They have four children who are either currently attending ILA, are now in their careers of choice, or in graduate school programs. They all loved their homeschool educational experience through the Independent Learning Academy.  Lesley is so excited to be serving in the role as Senior Advisor Equipping Specialist training local auxiliary teams in leadership and continuing to innovate and reinvent education.

Lesley received her Bachelor of Arts in English from Gettysburg College and a Master’s in Secondary Education from Manhattanville College. She taught middle school Language Arts in NY before starting her own family. Lesley has been a homeschool mom of 22 years and has worked to develop various teaching pedagogies for children’s various learning styles that have been implemented over the years at ILA. She is excited to step into the calling that she has received from the Lord to equip the next generation of children to walk in the masterpiece of their individual Kingdom identity and the calling that He has for them. As the Lord leads, she is excited to bring the EQUIP 2:10 educational model and movement to other communities and states. EQUIP 2:10 Integrated Auxiliaries are available for churches to start to raise up and influence the next generation of children for Christ.

Heather Sorenson
Equipping Specialist 
Heather Sorenson
Equipping Specialist 

Heather Sorenson has been with Next Generation Ministries, dba Independent Learning Academy “ILA” for the past 4 years. She was first introduced to homeschooling when her oldest was in kindergarten. That following year, 2020, she became the Director for the Orange County ILA Campus and that following spring was called to move to Texas. She continued doing admin for all ILA campuses and in January of 2022, stepped into the position of Executive Director. Heather is looking forward to her new role at EQUIP 210 as the Equipping Specialist  for Director of Training.

Heather has her degree in Child and Adolescent Development from California State University, Fullerton, and her certification in Montessori Education from UC Irvine. She worked for the City of Anaheim for 10 years as a recreation and community Services Director. She has worked in education for the past 23 years in both Private and Christian Schools and also worked as a Conference Coordinator for a best-selling Christian author. She loves organization, planning, and helping things run behind the scenes.

Heather is a born and raised SoCal girl, who was raised in a small Mountain town. She loves the outdoors, all things Fall, water sports, baking, reading next to a fire, and has a strong heart for bringing community together. Heather, her husband Drew, and their two children currently reside in Dallas, TX. and they are loving the adventure God has them on.

Lesley Russell

Lesley Russell is the Founder of EQUIP 210 and Next Generation Ministries dba Independent Learning Academy (ILA). ILA is a K-12 parent-choice homeschool educational model with over 1,200 students and three locations, two in southern California, and one in Meridian, Idaho. For the past 11 years, ILA has been pioneering and innovating education and has been the leading alternate education movement in southern California with thousands of K-12th grade students having attended with many of their graduating seniors receiving Trustee and Presidential Scholarships. Many of the ILA graduates also start their own companies, join the mission field, or serve in various military branches. They are truly world changers

Lesley and her husband, Joe, are originally from NY and have been married for 30 years. They have four children who are either currently attending ILA, are now in their careers of choice, or in graduate school programs. They all loved their homeschool educational experience through the Independent Learning Academy.  Lesley is so excited to be serving in the role as Senior Advisor Equipping Specialist training local auxiliary teams in leadership and continuing to innovate and reinvent education.

Lesley received her Bachelor of Arts in English from Gettysburg College and a Master’s in Secondary Education from Manhattanville College. She taught middle school Language Arts in NY before starting her own family. Lesley has been a homeschool mom of 22 years and has worked to develop various teaching pedagogies for children’s various learning styles that have been implemented over the years at ILA. She is excited to step into the calling that she has received from the Lord to equip the next generation of children to walk in the masterpiece of their individual Kingdom identity and the calling that He has for them. As the Lord leads, she is excited to bring the EQUIP 2:10 educational model and movement to other communities and states. EQUIP 2:10 Integrated Auxiliaries are available for churches to start to raise up and influence the next generation of children for Christ.