About us

School and Education Really Can be Different

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Ephesians 2:10

EQUIP 210 is a K-12 Kingdom Educational Movement equipping children in their kingdom identity and calling through dynamic Core, Bible, and Equipping Electives in Entrepreneurialism, Biblical Citizenship, Film, Video, Healthy Social Media Skills, Graphic Design, Culinary Arts, Music, Art, Song Writing, Programming, and more.

God wants our children to know that they are His Masterpiece and He loves them. They were all created for a Kingdom purpose on this Earth. EQUIP 210 comes alongside the families to help shepherd, guide, direct, and point them to Jesus through their Core and Equipping electives.

We will be equipping, disrupting, and reinventing how education is done.

The intersecting lines of our logo represent the unity, integrity, and strength of our educational movement.

Lesley Russell

Founder and President

Lesley Russell is the Founder of EQUIP 2:10 and Next Generation Ministries dba Independent Learning Academy

Lesley Russell is the Founder of EQUIP 2:10 and Next Generation Ministries dba Independent Learning Academy (ILA). ILA is a K-12 parent-choice homeschool educational model with over 1,200 students and three locations, two in southern California, and one in Meridian, Idaho. For the past 11 years, ILA has been pioneering and innovating education and has been the leading alternate education movement in southern California with thousands of K-8 students having attended and hundreds of high schoolers graduating and attending their college of choice with many receiving Trustee and Presidential Scholarships. Many of their graduates also start their own companies, join the mission field, or serve in various military branches. They are truly world changers

Lesley and her husband, Joe, are originally from NY and have been married for 30 years. They have four children who are either currently attending ILA, are now in their careers of choice, or in graduate school programs. They all loved their homeschool educational experience through the Independent Learning Academy.